Thursday, 16 November 2017

TMH - Thomas Masters Hardy

Having published the memoirs of William Masters Hardy we have now started to edit two notebooks kept by Annelise's grandfather, Thomas Masters Hardy.

The notebooks were written whilst TMH was serving in the Great War. He was in the RNAS, later the RAF working on the early aircraft, initially at Chingford Airfield where he was an Air Mechanic 1st class where his skills he used his skills as a trained cabinet maker.

One notebook includes notes and drawing used as training for the construction, maintenance and repair of the wooden framed airframes of the iconic aircraft built by Sopwith, Maurice Farman, Caudron, De Haviland, Avro etc. Two drawings are reproduced below -

We shall be reproducing the notebook as a facsimile to retain its period quality.
The book will be edited and published through the online services of Blurb again and then possibly as an ibook for ipad.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Book about William Masters Hardy now published

Our book about the life of Annelise's great-great grandfather is now published through the on-line publisher Blurb. Softback £18.00 Hardback with glossy paper £44.00 plus postage.

Currently working on an i-book version that will be available through iBooks Store.

Link to the Blurb bookshop -
Softcover - £18.00

hardcover - £44.00

Monday, 27 March 2017

UK Salt Route

The UK Salt Route poster that we prepared for the Ecosal-Atlantis project in 2011 has been uploaded to ISSUU and is also accessible from the Ecosal-UK blog site.

We are also currently preparing a grant applications to the HLF in partnership with CBA-NW and a second to the AHRC with Salford University.

Thursday, 19 January 2017