Spent today with Felicity Evans and Mark Smalley of BBC Radio 4's Open Country programme contributing to a 25 minute programme about salt making in Cheshire. Also taking part were Kerry Fletcher, Heritage Officer at Middewich Town Council and Chris Hewitson archaeologist at the Lion Salt Works. Mark and Felicity later made a visit underground at the Winsford rock salt mine operated by Salt Union Compass and Minerals.
The starting point was the country park created around the remains of collapsed rock salt mines at Ashton's and Neumann's Flashes between the town centre of Northwich, the Lion Salt Works at Marston on the Trent and Mersey Canal, River Weaver and the the Anderton Boat lift that links the canal and the river.
Ashton's Flash |
Neumann's Flash |
Andrew Fielding, Mark Smalley and Felicity Evans |