Friday, 17 May 2013

ECOSAL UK Cluster Meetings

We are organising a series of meetings for the UK Ecosal salt network.

Thursday 30 May -
Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside cluster
at Middlewich Town Hall 2pm

Wednesday 5 June - 
Welsh cluster
at Halen Mon, Brynsciencyn 2pm

Tuesday 11 June -
Southwest England cluster
at Helston Museum, Cornwall 11am

Friday 14 June -
Southern cluster
at Bournemouth University 2pm

Monday 1 July -
Cumbria, N Ireland and Scotland cluster
at Solway Coast AONB Disovery Centre 2pm

TBC - Sea salt making sites on the east coast
at Heritage Lincolnshire, Heckington
First cluster meeting of the Ecosal-Atlantis - UK Salt network.
Presentation by Andrew Fielding
at Middlewich Town Hall, Cheshire
hosted by Kerry Fletcher, Middlewich Heritage Development Officer
Second cluster meeting of Ecosal-Atlantis - UK Salt Network
Presentation by Andrew Fielding
at Anglesey Sea Salt Company
Brynsciencyn, Anglesey
host by David and Alison Lea-Wilson
The SW Cluster meeting for Ecosal UK
The Southern cluster meeting for Ecosal UK.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Animated Roman Soldier at Rio Maior, Portugal

This is a new image to advertise the inland salt making site at Rio Maior, Portugal. Rio Maior is a partner site in the Ecosal-Atlantis project we have been working on over the last two years.

I have created  a draft animated version see download below.

T-shirt promoting Rio Maior Salina and Ecosal

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Latest video taken at George Street Chapel - Feb to April 2013

Our work continues at George Street Chapel from Age UK Oldham to help interpret the history of the former Independent Methodist Chapel.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Salt Network in UK proposed as part of Ecosal-Atlantis Route

The Ecosal-Atlantis leaflet we produced to promote a network of salt sites in the UK.
The printed leaflet was a fold out piece of print which opened up to A1 in size, each topic or regional area can be printed out on an A4 sheet. Download each page from here.
Folder holding all sixteen pdf pages.

Individual pages contained within the folder are:-

Page 1 - 5 UK Regions and EU Partner Logos
Page 2 - The Atlantic Coast Partners & UK Salt Producers
Page 3 - Different Ways to Evaporate Brine in UK
Page 4 - Open Pan Processes in UK
Page 5 - Materials for Salt Pans
Page 6 - Victorian Salt pans and Rock Salt Mining
Page 7 - The Portuguese Route
Page 8 - The Spanish and French Routes

Page 1 - The UK Atlantic Coast Route
Page 2 - Scotland
Page 3 - Northern Ireland
Page 4 - Cumbria
Page 5 - Wales
Page 6 - Cheshire, Merseyside & Lancashire
Page 7 - South and Southwest England
Page 8 - Culture and Salt