Sunday, 30 May 2010

Salt Making for BBC 1 - The One Show

Got a call last week to make some salt over a wood fire in a replica Roman lead salt pan for the BBC programme 'The One Show'. They were following up on the bad winter weather when all media focus was on rock salt supplies.
The producer was going to go down the Winsford Rock Salt Mine, run by The Salt Union - Compass and Minerals and wanted to talk about the origins of salt making in Cheshire - hence the Roman salt making piece.
The filming took place at the Lion Salt Works, where they also looked at the large Victorian salt pans awaiting restoration. sadly, as is the way with television they didn't have time to complete the story by visiting either of the vacuum salt works or the controlled brine fields where modern day brine is sourced.
The piece should be shown on 20th July 2010.
Andrew with presenter Angellica Bell.

Monday, 10 May 2010

Curved Group

Whilst I was monitoring the dismantling of Stove House 5 at the Lion Salt Works many timbers could not be retained for re-instatement when the stove house is rebuilt. One group of these timbers was the light weight cladding timber to the upper sections of the east and west gables.
I was able to offer some of these lengths of cladding to local artist Carolyn Shepherd, who had taken part in the 1st Salt Sunday celebrations with the Salt of the Earth network established by the Bishop of Birkenhead. She has used brine, salt and timber sourced from Lion Salt Works, Solvay and the rock salt mine operated by Salt Union-Compas and Minerals.
The work is to be displayed at the degree show to be held at the Williamson Gallery, Birkenhead - 12 June to ?  and her work was selected to feature in the "Best of the Degree Shows 2010" annual publication at this link
For Carolyn's web site go to

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Flickr Group for Salt of the Earth Network

I have established a Flickr Group for the Salt of the Earth Network and act as the site administrator.
The group will to encourage followers to post their photographs which show the salt and chemical industries.
The group is part of the Salt of the Earth Network, the inspiration of the Bishop of Birkenhead, Rev Keith Sinclair.
To join the site go to the site below.

The Salt of the Earth Network has a web site currently at but that will shortly change as BT change the free hosting arrangements for community groups.

The Network will have a stand at the Cheshire Show - 22-23 June, 2010 and I am helping to organise the 2nd Salt Sunday, which in 2010 is being held at British Salt, Middlewich on 10th October.